李昭 博士,讲师
● 2016.09-2021.07 博士│英国莱斯特大学│考古学
●2013.09-2016.07 硕士│中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所│自然地理学
●2009.09-2013.07 学士│山西财经大学│资源环境与城乡规划管理
● 2021.9-至今暨南大学中国史博士后流动站
● 2021.12-至今暨南大学历史学讲师
1. 杨晓燕, 李昭, 王维维, 崔勇. (2018). 稻作南传:岭南稻作农业肇始的年代及人类社会的生计模式背景.文博学刊, (01):33-47.
2. 王维维, 马永超, 李昭, 马志坤, 杨晓燕. (2018). 中国现代块根块茎类植物淀粉粒形态分析. 第四纪研究, 38(6): 1409-1423.
3. 李昭, 赵婧, 李泉, 马志坤, 刘长, 尚杰, 刘长江, 杨晓燕. (2016). 广东山地丘陵地带狮雄山遗址秦汉时期植物遗存分析. 第四纪研究, 36(5): 1253-1262.
4. Yang, X., Chen, Q., Ma, Y., Li, Z., Hung, H. C., & Zhang, Q., et al. (2018). New radiocarbon and archaeobotanical evidence reveal the timing and route of southward dispersal of rice farming in south China. Science Bulletin, 63(22). doi:10.1016/j.scib.2018.10.011.
5. Ma, Y., Yang, X., Huan, X., Gao, Y., Wang, W., & Li, Z, et al. (2018). Multiple indicators of rice remains and the process of rice domestication: A case study in the lower Yangtze river region, China. PLoS ONE, 13(12): e0208104.
6. Yang, X., Zhuang, Y., Wang, W., Li, Z., & Ma, Z., et al. (2017). New radiocarbon evidence on early rice consumption and farming in south china. The Holocene, 27(7), 1045-1051.
7. Ma, Y., Yang, X., Huan, X., Wang, W., Ma, Z., & Li, Z., et al. (2016). Rice bulliform phytoliths reveal the process of rice domestication in the Neolithic lower Yangtze river region. Quaternary International, 426, 126-132.
8. Yang, X., Fuller, D. Q., Huan, X., Perry, L., Li, Q., & Li, Z., et al. (2015). Barnyard grasses were processed with rice around 10000 years ago. Scientific Reports, 5, 16251.